abstract art
Minimalist, neat, and beautiful
Thank you for wanting to learn more about my commission painting process. I offer artwork commissions for both homes and commercial spaces. Commissions are available direct to art collectors or by working with interior designers and art consultants.

It is always a pleasure to receive a request for custom artwork. There are many reasons that commissioning a unique piece of art directly from the artist may be the ideal solution for you. For example, you may like my style, but the color palette or size of my currently available artwork isn’t quite right for your space, or perhaps one of my previous paintings has already sold and you would like to capture a similar look in a new work.

Commissioning a painting and being able to communicate directly with the artist is a unique opportunity to create a painting that fits perfectly in your space. Working with my clients to create the perfect art piece that complements not only their space but also their lifestyle and unique personalities is something I truly enjoy.
This collection has helped me focus and slow down to experience the abundance of beauty that's right outside our walls.
I hope these paintings inspire you to do the same.

'Milady spray' - inspired by the feeling you have when being present with nature, experiencing her perfect beauty, and relishing in that moment of deep peace and gratitude. These beautiful waves, rooted in my thoughts, are coming out on the canvas. This collection is a wonderful reminder to slow down and enjoy the perfect beauty of the earth.


11 years after graduating from art school, I decided for the first time to take a brush and start my creative journey in early 2021.

The desire to create art was fuelled by the void that the pandemic had left in my day to day life. It soon propelled me to explore painting as a contemplative and creative outlet and a means of finding something fulfilling, joyful and healing to focus on.

I paint my last collection in my home studio and approach art in a reflective and meditative state while drawing inspiration from the beautiful natural surroundings of the Pays Basque.

I’ve been lucky enough to have participated in a collection of exhibits and to have received ongoing commissions, which has allowed me to continue to grow and evolve as an artist.


My current passion in art is to create more of modern abstract works, in which I mainly focuses on expressing the sense of flow and purity of colours. It is my passion to keep creating new artworks through continuous experimentation and bring joy and pleasure

to the viewers through my art. My works are abstract expressionism paintings, often representing an emotional action and an element of philosophy.

I am strongly influenced by expressionism and uses visual elements to express the relationships of everyday life. My works often represent two essential, yet opposing forces of life: the powerful and the weak. They aim to present the characteristics of metaphysical

energy, such as flow, movement, freedom, through contrast of value, colour, space, and varying gesture lines. It is an expression of life through imagery. Infused with colour and created with eloquent brushstrokes.

My abstract artworks are filled with energy. Finding inspiration for my multi-faceted works in being a seeker and a collector of this I passionately observes everyday life. I often uses personal situations, which then find their way into diverse series of my work. I deliberately makes room for a seemingly purposeless play with all manner of objects and other materials. My paintings serve as a creative release, giving a form to my current or desired emotion.

When I paints, everything else fades away, time appears to freeze until the moment of completion and the painting comes alive.

To my great happiness, since December 2022 I have been a member of


Régie par la loi de 1901, enregistrée à la préfecture de la Gironde sous le n° W332004593 (J.O n° 152 du 20/6/74)

Siège social : 33800 BORDEAUX

Personal exhibition with the support of the city hall
Sep-Nov 2023, ITXASSOU, France
Biarritz Arbes
2023, Biarritz, France
Nice Art Expo 2023
2023, Nice, France
Salon d’Automne 2022, à l’ Abbatiale Judith de Bretagne de Bernay
2022 Confluent D’art, France
Young Talents 2022
2022, Toetotoe Gallery, Portugal
Anastasiia Ku, personal exhibition
4h abstract congress of abstract abstractionists, Design District DAA
2021, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Abstract art '21, Toetotoe Gallery
2021, Warszawa, Poland
My works are in the drafts of an interior designer or wallpaper prints
Please contact me if you are interested in commissioning a custom piece of artwork for your home, workspace or other projects.

Email me at:
All rights are reserved by the Ku.Abstract.
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